Tunnel vision we have beamed into the peerless winter paying its dividends like drops from icecles on your cement digging slowly a pocks.
The maglite to the grill narrowly avoided perpetrates a scowl in my brim.
We are now like Marlon Brandos in Apocalypse Nows unique to our own flavors. The economy is stupid but we are prepared.
Reconstructed windows, full tiled bathroom, cleaned and pointed bricks and patched and sealed plywood floors. Bikes are starting to congregate in our first third. The fuse sparkles in the spring breeze. See the Kinfolk flagship visiting our port? Go to wegotways.com for details on your own Kinfolk or Vivelo NJS framesets.
Look Closely and you will see the impact that dogs have had on our society. We had a party to celebrate our opening and several die-hards came out from the West Village to see us along with our close friends and family. We look forward to seeing you at our nekst grand opening celebration. Japanther is playing so stay posted to our pres-releases here.
Look to brim and cosi to be in our next post.